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Open Contracting

(Nederlands) Alle publieke aanbestedingen en contracten openbaar via een centraal inkoopregister.

Open Complaints

As part of the Open Government Action Plan, Open State is working with the National Ombudsman on the Open Complaints project. The goal of this project is to publish all complaints as open data by complaint handlers.

Data mapped into fresh permutations

(Nederlands) Onderzoek naar de risico's van AI-modellen die getrained zijn op Tweede Kamer-data.

Open Spending logo
Open Spending

View and compare the budgets and spending of local governments

Open Algorithm

(Nederlands) Waarom algoritmes en AI te allen tijde transparant en uitlegbaar moeten zijn.

Open Wob

All of the Wob-documents together in one overview


Deleted tweets are archived and published with the tool Politwoops.

(Nederlands) Open Zorg

The prices of medical treatmens have been made public through our Open Healthcare project.