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You can make a difference. With a donation, you can help Open State Foundation with its mission for digital transparency by opening up public information as open data and making it accessible for re-users. Together we can strengthen democracy and create substantial civic and economic value for everyone.

Open State Foundation has an ANBI status that allows donors to deduct their gift from income or corporation tax.

We also accept donations via our Benevity profile, so check if your organization has a Benevity gift matching program.

You can find more information about corporate donors at the bottom of this page.


Corporate donors

We are open for corporate donors!

Would you like your company to donate to Open State Foundation? Then take a look at our proposition!

Open World-donors

€5,000 or more per year (not more than 10% of our continuity reserve).

Logo van Centric


Centric is an experienced and committed IT partner for municipal institutions. With our applications and services, we have been supporting decentralized government in every policy area for more than 25 years.

Open State-donors

€1,000 - €5,000 per year.

Will your company be the first Open State-donor? Then we will show your logo, company name, description and link to your website.

Open Street-donors

€500 - €1,000 per year.

Will your company be the first Open Street-donor? Then we will show your company name and a link to your website.