NEW: – find local political news

We are proud to present, which we launch in beta today. Local political news is more important than ever, but almost impossible to keep track of. PoliScoops helps you keep track of political news in the 27 Member States of the EU, as well as the political news from the EU Parliament and the UK. 

Important features of PoliScoops:

  • Combines the news articles from political parties in 28 European countries and the EU Parliament, from about 300 different online sources.
  • View the news articles in their original language, or translate them to German, French or English. 
  • Set alerts for keywords relevant to you and receive notifications when articles from political parties are published. 
  • PoliScoops is an Open Source platform, and we encourage re-use of our code. is an European wide expansion of the Dutch platform PoliFLW which collects local political news on a municipal level. 

Find local news, and if you can’t read the original language you can translate it to French, German or English.

If you want to keep informed on what is going on, set an alert to receive an e-mail directly, daily or weekly from whichever countries you choose. 


We are launching in beta today, which means we are still working on improving the platform. We want to give people the option to give the platform a try and see where we can make it even better. So if you:

  • Find a news source from a political party in the formerly 28 Member States we should include;
  • You are running into a bug or problem while using the platform;
  • Have suggestions for UX improvements;
  • Want to re-use the platform but are running into issues; 
  • Or anything else:

Please get in touch. You can do so through  

Thank You

We would like to thank the following donors who made PoliScoops possible. The Next Generation Internet, the NL Net foundation for the European expansion. And the Google News Initiative and the SIDN-fund for the original Dutch PoliFLW-platform. 

We would also would like to thank the online community for helping us find the relevant sources to fill This spring over a dozen volunteers helped with checking political parties in their countries, which we very much appreciate.