The Open Culture API  offers an infrastructure to collect, combine search, filter and re-use open culture datasets of Dutch cultural heritage organisations.

The Open Cultuur Data API is based on open source Elastic Search technology and build in Python. Open Cultuur Data is harvesting the datasets and merging them into one simple uniform model. Both original and uniform data is provided through an RESTFULL JSON API endpoint. Data (both descriptions and content) can be refined, by means of algorithms that create new metadata and content. Currently the API provides thumbnails (and caching for increasing mobile performance) and extracting EXIF and other technical metadata from the content. To get a better picture of the current contents of the database use our Open Culture Data Search.

API Documentation | API Sourcecode and issue tracker on Github | (Dutch) manual on how to build a Culture scraper

Feel free to ask questions on Github or contact us if you have any questions.

open cultuurdata api