Internet of things, encryption, open data, e-democracy, copyright online, digital social innovation, internet governance. Are these topics you want to learn more about? Do you encounter net politics in your daily work or study? Join the Masterclass Netpolitics.
The Masterclass
The programme consists of seven classes in January and February 2017 in which you develop broad knowledge on the most important themes on internet and politics. The full programme can be found here.
Participating organisations
We will discuss several current issues around open government, digital transparency and open data. Also Bits of Freedom, Internet Society NL, Kennisland, Netwerk Democratie en Waag Society will provide masterclasses.
The meetings will be held on Monday evenings: 9, 16, 23 and 30 January 2017 and 6, 13 and 27 February 2017.
There is room for 30 participants. Register here before 15 November 2016.
More information
Internet Society Nederland. annemarie at